Business Coins Can Be More Effective Than Paper Cards

Looking for a better way to promote your brand? Business coins are the better alternative to business cards.

Business cards are the traditional way of exchanging contact information at least in the face-to-face business world. (Online is another matter.) But in today’s business environment, they’re not necessarily the best way to promote your brand or logo. For an innovative, colorful, high-impact alternative, consider custom business coins instead.

Business cards and personal calling cards before them served a valuable purpose decades ago. They were simply the most efficient way to exchange information, and a way to keep it handy. But their paper surface and small size left lots to be desired. 

Paper cards are easy to lose – or throw away, once out of the giver’s sight. Getting them wet can destroy them. Yet just by their lightweight nature, people tend to take them for granted.

Custom coins on the other hand, give people something they value. By its very heft, it’s harder to dispose of, or to lose. You notice a custom coin when you carry it. You’re much more aware of it than you are of a business card. And most people tend to value things they can hold in their hand that has some weight to it.

Another thing to keep in mind with coins is that you’re not limited to a specific shape. Although the term coin implies round, we can actually make them in virtually any shape you can imagine. A custom shape to suit your business makes an indelible impression on prospective customers.

A well-designed coin also gives you an opportunity to produce a much more colorful, detailed design for your logo or brand. Design something that really catches the eye, and people will surely remember it.

A Word About Cost

It’s no secret, of course, that coins cost more than paper business cards. However, coins when ordered in bulk can be surprisingly affordable. As with business cards, the more you order, the lower the price per coin. And given the added attraction coins offer compared to an ordinary paper card, they absolutely can be a cost-effective option for promoting your business.

Ready for your “business cards” to go paperless? Call or email us today to find out how your business can benefit from custom business challenge coins!