Coins for a Cause Can Help
Custom Coins can promote just about any cause. In some cases, they can even be a lifesaver.
It’s no secret that custom coins have long been a part of military life and lore. In recent years, businesses, nonprofits and schools have adopted them too, often as a way to promote staff morale.
Today, challenge coins are increasingly being used for another purpose – the promote social causes. They’re even being used in a way that can help save lives.
With their long history in the military, challenge coins are familiar to most veterans. That’s what prompted the Center for Suicide Awareness to create and promote Hopeline challenge coins as a way to reach troubled vets.
The organization created a coin that features a text line number – 741741 – for veterans who are troubled and might be considering suicide to text. The coin says “tell me your story; listen to mine” on the other side.
It’s a way to get the word out to veterans that help is available, in a way that they’re familiar with, and encourages them to reach out.
Other veterans groups have introduced similar coins as well.
But that’s not the only way custom coins can help promote a cause. Fire departments and others have used them as a way to raise funds for department members facing illness or other hardships. Coins have proved to be an outstanding fundraising tool. They’re a way to get your desired message directly into people’s hands as well.
It's easy to design a custom coin for your organization or cause. If you’re not quite sure what you want your design to look like, we’ll be happy to work with you to ensure it says exactly what you want. Our experienced artists can recreate your organization’s logo or any other message you want.
When it comes to coins, don’t forget, the more you order, the less expensive each one becomes. We offer quantity discounts that enable you to get your message out in a cost-effective manner.
Why not call or email us today to find out how easy it can be to use custom coins to support your cause? Or fill out our no-obligation free quote form. Let us show you what custom coins can do to raise funds and raise awareness.