Honor Health Care Workers With Custom Coins

Health care workers are the unsung heroes of the pandemic. Honor their hard work, dedication and sacrifice with custom coins.

The past 18 months of the pandemic have been tough for all of us. Health care workers have faced added burdens. Those include the challenge of caring for Covid-19 patients while trying to protect themselves and their own loved ones. Not to mention the heartbreaking task of notifying family members that their relative has passed away.

It's little wonder many nurses, doctors and other health care workers have left the profession, or at least considered it, over the past year and a half. In too many instances, they’ve also received little recognition or appreciation for their hard work, dedication and sacrifice.

Custom challenge coins are one small way your facility can thank your hardworking medical staff for all they’ve done. Giving a nurse a coin to thank them for their service might seem like a small thing, but a little bit of recognition can be just the boost someone needs to stay on the job.

Even as vaccines are helping to stem the pandemic, health care personnel continue to face long hours, staffing shortages, full emergency rooms and patient care units. All those factors add extra tension to what is already a high-stress job. It’s not easy to relax when you know other people’s lives depend on you being on top of your game at all times.

At WholesaleCoins.com, we make it easy to create custom coins that your staff will appreciate and carry or display proudly. Our experienced graphic artists will work with you to craft a design that reflects your gratitude.

Choose from a range of coin sizes and shapes. We offer multiple choices of colors, styles and options to make your coins truly custom. You can even add sequential numbering to make a limited edition set.

We recommend a department- or facility-wide ceremony to present the coins. Everyone appreciates being recognized in front of their coworkers and peers. When everyone knows management understands and appreciates their hard work, it helps increase morale in the workplace, and potentially lower turnover.

Want to find out more? Call or email us today, and let us show you how custom health care challenge coins can honor your staff and help your facility weather difficult times.